So comes the time when the caregiver becomes the patient. Is your stay easier to deal with because you kind of know the ins and outs of hospitalization? Probably not. I'm feeling a little anxious about having surgery. This will be my most serious surgery to date but absolutely not my first brush with a hospital stay.I broke two bones in my back and knocked the four front teeth out the bottom of my mouth, all by the age of 24, so I feel like there's NOTHING I can't handle!
I feel like this blog entry SUCKS!
WTF am I even talking about? I'd much rather talk about love and how it has changed me! How happy I am with my better half and how I want my future to include him in every single aspect of it, or I could talk about my new movie that I'm going to start writing! I really feel like the area of which I plan to enter for this screenplay is an untapped market. Nobody has ever dared to go to this gritty, drama filled place on screen. It gets me excited just thinking about it! I could talk about if I want to try and have a baby before my insides dry up and I get too old, BUT I still would love to get married before I pop any kids out.......I mean, I made it this far without birthing any bastards! (pun intended) Would I be wrong for saying that I'm looking forward to the "anesthesia nap" more than anything else?? Think about it: Being under like that is sometimes the only chance you have in life of escaping the mental chatter. What about the fact that I won't be able to have sex in 6 weeks!? I'm sayin, just when I find my soul mate, who happens to be older than me but has the stamina of a 25 year old, I have to put the brakes on! Go figure! I guess it's all for the better in the long run BUT I forgot how high my sex drive was until I finally got to take it out of "park". (pun intended again) How about discussing the fact that the severity of my cramps will soon be a distant memory? Or that I'm worried about getting fat because I'll be bed ridden for a few weeks? I'm such the little energizer bunny and doing 14 flights of stairs, 5 or 6 times a night at work, makes it okay for me to eat french fries in my mind. If I'm not getting my "work" out on (full of puns today aren't I?) then I can't just put any greasy kind of thing in my mouth! *I'm not sure I like how that sounds* Either way, I guess the only way I'll be getting any action is if I DO put it in my mouth, huh? (salacious pun) *that was nasty for a girl to say* Good thing I'm not getting dental work too! LOL! I thank God for all of the loving people He has placed in my life. I do feel fortunate and wealthy, as far as friends go, and that means a lot when you go through these life changing situations. It pays to be popular sometimes. LOL! I'm not looking forward to being in pain OR needing to be dependent on others but I am looking forward to all of the mothers in my life making me dinner! I think that maybe I secretly am looking forward to being cared for, having my turn at needing assistance for a little while, letting others fuss over me to make sure I'm comfortable. Those kinds of things in trying times help you to know how loved you are and how blessed you are to have people that actually care about you in your life.
Too bad I have to work tonight or else I'd be drinking all I could until my 12am deadline! Now, I'm gonna have to cram as many shots as I can in the half hour window I'll have when I get home. Wish me luck people.......I'm going IN!
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