Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I defriended you because that's why you initially contacted me & after being lied to, I felt I needed to.

I wasn't angry about you seeing someone; we haven't been together, talking or anything for a while. Besides, w/all the disputes and conversations over our 4 yrs you've expressed on many occasions how unsatisfied, unfulfilled and how much you weren't receiving what you needed from me in our relationship. So, I'm not surprise that you moved on. Oh, and someone (you, to be specific) once told me that having sex and getting to know someone emotionally are two different things but, I guess that's only when it's you getting yours.

What I was angry about is that you chose to lie, to me. All the while I'm trying to better myself and being happy about rebuilding a friendship (possibly more) w/someone I love & care about, thinking we're allowing one another to go at a pace comfortable for both, you just were getting w/me when it was convenient for you and the maintaining of your new friendship. I never lied to you, never have & never will; I'm not a liar.

This leaves us at this point. Again, not being friends because you think you know everything (me telling my family stuff, which I haven't), you not being secure, trusting and honest w/your own feelings and telling the truth to allow me to be me and have all the information so, I can make a decision that's best for me and treat you the way that would be appropriate for the situation (not flirting w/someone else’s woman, etc) and you needing to have things be the way you expect in your way & on your time (me not calling you back in the time frame you felt it should've happend) so, instead of , Hey, I'm not sure if you're all right, or if you tried to reach me, etc. I get the … I KNOW why I haven't talked to you so; I'm going to say what I need to & have the last word email. For all the times you've told me recently you've changed & learned, I'm left sitting here today feeling, same shit, different day.

Then to top it all off, you want to justify your lies and in the same email if I can't be w/you I'll be w/this person; which I just don't understand. If you're HAPPY, then I'm really of no concern to you & again no reason for you to lie to me.

At this point, you need to do what's best for you, whatever that may be. But, clearly, we are two different types of people and I am not looking to be in a relationship w/someone who can't truthfully & openly express their feelings about me w/o knowing what I'm going to say because they're more concerned of themselves and nothing else, can't express to others their love & feelings for me openly or wants to keep prospects on the side; not never giving fully and doing their best to better their relationship w/me.

You've been very selfish and continue to be and that's just not me.

Do what you feel is right in your heart, have faith and all will come to you, that you deserve.

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